Coach & Athlete Development Committee Terms of Reference
Objectives To recommend and support the implementation of development strategies to achieve:
The development of divers at club through to high performance level
The development of coaches at club through to high performance level
Responsible to The Board of Diving New Zealand via the Chair
The Board of Diving New Zealand shall, at its discretion and from time to time, determine the composition of the Coach & Athlete Development Committee (the Committee), and appoint a Convenor
Note: The Chair of the Board shall be an ex officio member of the Development Committee [ref: DNZ Constitution C18.1.3] but is not counted as a member for the purposes of establishing a quorum.
In establishing the membership of the Committee, the Board shall have regard to: – experience and expertise; – demonstrated willingness to work in a constructive and collegial manner with other Committee members and with the wider DNZ membership; – geographical spread; – gender; and – where practicable, avoidance of conflict(s) of interest
A quorum for any Committee meeting shall be two thirds (or nearest) of the Committee membership, as constituted at any time
All members of the Committee shall continue in office until otherwise determined by the Board, or until the member resigns, whichever comes first
The Board shall call for expressions of interest at no greater than three year intervals (commencing from 14 November 2015) to allow for "refreshment" of the Committee, as appropriate
All changes to the membership of the Committee shall be recorded in the minutes of the appropriate Board meeting
Any resignation shall be notified to the Board
Duties and Responsibilities
Develop divers and coaches at club through to a high performance level
Organise and provide support to DNZ training squads
Conduct the theoretical and practical examination/re-examination of candidates for coaches
Maintain a register of all coaches, including their level of development and level of achievement (including at FINA level, as appropriate)
Ensure that all coaches are re-examined no less than once every 5 years
Provide support and advice on areas relevant to development to the other DNZ Committees
Review from time to time the terms of reference for this Committee and provide any recommendations on this matter to the Board
Undertake such other actions or activities as may be authorised by the Board from time to time
Operating Principles
The Convenor of the Committee shall call a meeting of the Committee at his or her own initiative, or if so requested by a majority of the members of the Committee, or by the Board
Note: Meetings may be held by telephone or other means of communication. Ref: DNZ Constitution C19.7
Minutes of the Committee meetings shall be taken. Ref: DNZ Constitution C19.5
The Committee shall provide such reports as requested for the quarterly Board meetings
Authority The Committee is authorised by the Board to carry out any activity covered by its duties and responsibilities